Catholic Life
Welcome to the Catholic Life & Mission area of our website.
We aim to be so bold and explicit about our faith that grace kicks in and sustains us in our mission to play a small part in building God’s kingdom!
As well as relevant documents explaining what St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School is all about, we have included a selection of relevant video clips to try and illustrate how our faith is the beating heart of everything we do.
At a Glance
sep dec stacs chaplaincy twitter.pdf
Virtues Curriculum
virtues curriculum booklet.pdf
Collective Worship
Collective worship ensures ‘Christ is at the centre of our school community’. Prayer and reading the bible is what makes St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School distinctive from other schools.
‘Where two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I am also’
Matthew 18:20
Our aim is for all our students to have a genuine spiritual encounter every single day. Having said that, we know that spirituality is not something that can be ‘turned on and off’. There are days when we all struggle in our own prayer lives and there will be times when a beautifully planned activity seems to ‘fall on deaf ears’. Prayer sustains us and we all need it! As a result, the most important role of staff here at STACS is to give the time to prayer so there is the opportunity for all our students to develop in their faith journey. We give the space for it … and then it is up to our children to say yes and God to do the rest!
How and why we pray
Our Prayers
Christ, You are the centre of our school community.
Help us to live together in peace.
Help us to love one another as You have loved us.
Help us to learn Your way,
So that Your truth will set us free.
Christ, You are the centre of this school community.
Help us in our learning;
may we be intentional in our choices,
attentive to knowledge and God in the world
and always eloquent and truthful with our words.
Help us in our living;
may we be people of integrity,
feel compassion for the vulnerable
and always be of service to others.
Together, may we live, learn and love like you.
The Examen Virtue
Take a moment to view a few of The Examen Virtue videos showing Eloquence, Service, Compassion, Attentiveness, and Integrity:
Lumen Christi day of prayer and celebration
Prayer in action
Lockdown project across Lumen Christi
End of term Mass
Feast of St Peter and St Paul
Coming together for special occasions
Ukraine - March 2022
Jubilee - July 2022
Liturgical Year
As well as responding to local and international events, we follow the Church’s Liturgical Year at . St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School.
The Liturgical Year
Catholic Life & Mission
“We aren’t called to fill the pews with members; we are called to fill the world with disciples.”
“God doesn’t want you just to GO to Church, God wants you to BE His Church!”
Faith for children at St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School is something alive and active. By striving to be committed learners and exceptional people, they try their very best to live out the teachings of today in the 21st century.
Charity work
The school is in the process of applying to become a school of sanctuary. We regularly welcome refugees from a variety of countries and aim to foster a culture of welcome. Every member of staff is committed to supporting new pupils with their language development, emotional and social development and academic flourishing.
The school is also in the process of applying for the Cafod Live Simply Award. Led by the Chaplaincy Change-Maker Group, St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School is committed to a wholesome and sustained response to ‘Laudato Si’.
Primary outreach video
Celebrating our diversity
Humanity has much more in common than that divides us.
Diversity Statement
St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
We felt it was right to more formally address the current national and international situation; injustice and prejudice exist in our nation and it is worthy of a response.
The current pandemic has highlighted the centrality of black people in Britain; to the NHS and care work, transport systems, food supplies, utilities, research, education and so much more. We have all seen the evidence that COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on those from BAME communities. On top of this, the unlawful killing of George Floyd has ignited anger and highlighted inequalities and the continuing racism and injustice that affects people across the world.
"Wherever any minority is persecuted and marginalized because of its religious convictions or ethnic identity the well-being of society as a whole is endangered and each one of us must feel affected." |
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Pope Francis |
Although we are physically apart, these events together have sent shockwaves through our school community. We know that some of our students have peacefully and respectfully taken part in the protests.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” |
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Martin Luther King |
STACS is a true comprehensive school in every possible sense. We have students of all abilities and backgrounds here and we are incredibly proud to have many students from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. Our diversity enhances our school community immeasurably.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” |
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Nelson Mandela |
Difference is beautiful. Diversity is not just tolerated here at STACS; it is respected, celebrated and loved.
As a school community, we will not tolerate racism. We listen and act to ensure that all staff and students feel safe and supported. We do teach history, equality and diversity to promote a fully inclusive atmosphere in school and will continue to review our curriculum. More than this, whenever and wherever possible, STACS is committed to addressing structural and societal racism. This statement is only the beginning of listening, working together and action.
If you have been affected by the recent events, please reach out to staff in school. We are here for you.
We are always guided by the teachings of Christ. Jesus loved and went beyond cultural barriers (John 4:1-42). Jesus advocated not walking by on the other side of the road (Luke 10: 25-37).
As a faith-filled community, it is important we all take responsibility. As Catholics, Christians, global citizens and human beings, we all must be committed fighting injustice.
“History has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.” |
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Michelle Obama |
We stand in love, action, dignity and respect for all.
Let us pray for God’s help to overcome racism in all its forms and for reconciliation and peace.
“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form. Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost.” |
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Pope Francis |
End of year presentation
Religious Education
Legacy & Impact
Teachers talking about STACS
Students talking about STACS
Catholic Schools Inspectorate
St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School recently underwent a Section 48 inspection. It was carried out by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December 2022. We are delighted to inform you that St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School was graded as “outstanding” in all areas! We encourage you to view the information below to find out more about this phenomenal achievement …
Catholic Schools Inspectorate - Section 48 Inspection Report Video - December 2022
Key Documents
- Collective Worship Policy - September 2022
- Latest Report - St Thomas Aquinas Kings Norton - Dec 2022
- Letter to Parents - RE section 48 inspection
Key Links
Working across the Archdiocese
Born for This
Praying the Our Father
School of Sanctuary
School of Sanctuary Tweets