Computing and Information Technology
Head of Faculty - Mrs Sarah Eden
“Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital computing that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic” George Dyson.
Computing and IT are essential subjects for the futuristic jobs in the technological age we are living in. Whilst Computer Science looks at how to build the equipment, IT looks at the usability of the application, for example how email can be used. The skills you learn from studying Computer Science and IT are life skills that can be transferred into any career you may follow in the future. Skills include:
- teamwork and leadership
- communication
- problem solving
- negotiation
- time management and organization
- report writing
- numeracy
- commercial awareness.
As a growing workforce, Computer Science and IT graduates are amongst the highest earners in society and there are a wide range of job opportunities available in the sector whether it is working in Gaming, Banking, Police, NHS or Business.
To summarise, the overall aims of Computer Science and IT curriculum is to give our students the skills they need for the future, as skills acquired in Computer Science and IT are basic life skills to succeed in any line of work.
Computing and Information Technology
KS3 Overview
Digital literacy and cyber security (using word and PowerPoint)
Students will create, reuse, revise, and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design, and usability Student in the topic will understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly, and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact, and conduct and know how to report concerns.
Spreadsheet - IT
Students are introduced to the wonderful world of spreadsheets and the concept of cell referencing. Students learn to collect, analyse, and manipulate data, before turning it into graphs and charts. Data is beautiful!
Computer System, Binary and Coding - Computer science
This topic introduces students to Programming and aims to build students confidence and knowledge of the key programming constructs. Importantly, this topic does not assume any previous programming experience, but it does offer learners the opportunity to expand on their knowledge throughout the unit.
Digital literacy and cyber security (website development) - IT
In this topic, students will explore the technologies that make up the internet and World Wide Web. Starting with an exploration of the building blocks of the World Wide Web, and HTML students will investigate how websites are catalogued and organised for effective retrieval using search engines. By the end of the topic students will have a functioning website.
Coding with Python- Computer science
Having completed the programming unit in year 7, this topic introduces students to text-based programming with Python. Students take a journey that starts with simple programs involving input and output, and gradually moves on through arithmetic operations, randomness, selection, and iteration. Emphasis is placed on tackling common misconceptions and live coding with worked examples.
App development and Gaming - IT and Computer science
Today, there’s an app for every possible need. With this topic students work through the entire process of creating their own mobile app, using App Lab from This topic build on the programming concepts students used in previous units, they will perform user research, design their app, write the code for it, before finally evaluating and publishing it for use.
Assessment in years 7 & 8 are completed with evidence generated from teaching ie PowerPoints, websites, gaming and programming with an end of topic test for each topic.
Ks4 Overview
OCR GCSE Computing - Year 9-11
The OCR GCSE in Computing is a course that will give you a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. This course develops understanding of how computers work and what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. Students undertake research tasks to investigate hardware, software, logic, programming and trends in computing, with an aim to develop thinking and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming.
Course Structure
There are 2 examined units of study over the duration of the course. Unit 1 introduces students to the central processing unit (CPU), computer memory and storage, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software. It looks at ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with computer science. Unit 2, students develop skills and understanding in computational thinking: algorithms, programming techniques, producing robust programs, computational logic and translators. Practical programming - Students are to be given the opportunity to undertake a programming task(s) during their course of study which allows them to develop their skills to design, write, test and refine programs using a high-level programming language, this forms the NEA for the course. Students will be assessed on these skills during the written examinations, in particular component Unit 2
Year 9 Python Programming underpinning knowledge for Unit 2 and NEA.
Year 10 Unit 1 and NEA
Year 11 Unit 2 and revision
Specification and previous exam papers
Progression Leads to A-level Computing or Cambridge Level 3 IT
This course provides Career Preparation for a range of Computing based roles such as: computer engineer, programmer/ software designer, systems designer, forensic computing/security and computer games.
KS4 IT - Year 9-11
The BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology allows you to learn about current technologies and the impact they have on individuals, society and organisations. This is a vocational qualification that takes an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. With the everyday use of IT, from PCs to smartphones, and how they impact all of our lives, this course is essential for all. In component 1, you will learn about different types of user interfaces such as graphical user interface (GUI), menu driven interfaces and command line interfaces. You will design an interface for a sporting club, you will create the interface and evaluate how well you have completed the project. In component 2, you will learn about data and information and how they are used in different sectors. You will also learn how data is used by companies to make decisions. In component 3, you will learn about modern technologies and their impact on organisations. We will also learn about threats to digital systems and how an organisation can manage them.
Course Structure
The course follows 3 components. Components 1 and 2 have 3 learning aims and this is the coursework NEA element of the course. Components 3 has 4 learning aims and this is the exam. Students will have to complete and pass all 3 components to get a qualification.
Component 1 – NEA/ coursework (30%)
Component 2 – NEA/ coursework (30%)
Component 3 – exam (40%)
Year 9 - Component 1 & 3 Underpinning knowledge
Year 10- Component 1 & Component 2 NEA Coursework
Year 11 - Component 3 Exam
Progression Leads to Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT
This course provides careers preparation for a range of ICT related jobs such as: Business analyst, Computer hardware/software engineer, Computer technician, Data technician, Database administrator, ICT support, Network manager, Project manager and systems analyst, software testers, web/interface designer,
Links for Specification:
KS5 Overview
Aim of the Course
Students in year 12 and 13 will have an opportunity through applied learning to develop the core specialist knowledge, skills and understanding required in the IT sector.
Course Summary
Students will take five units: three mandatory units and two optional units. There are 2 externally assessed exams and 3 internally assessed pieces of coursework to complete.
Students must achieve a total of 5 units consisting of 2 mandatory examined units and 3 further units. The units are graded as Pass, Merit and Distinction. Students can have a resist opportunity on examined units.
Launched for first teaching in September 2016, the Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in IT offer specialist pathways in IT Infrastructure Technician, Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner, Application Developer, and Data Analyst. Students will apply their practical skills and knowledge in preparation for further study, Higher Education or the workplace. Designed in collaboration with experts spanning the breadth of the sector, the Cambridge Technicals in IT focuses on the skills, knowledge and understanding what today’s universities and employers demand.
Unit 1 – Fundamentals of IT – Exam Unit
A sound understanding of IT technologies and practices is essential for IT professionals. Information learnt in this unit will include:
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Business IT Systems
Employability and Communication Skills used in an IT Environment
Ethical and Operational Issues and Threats to Computer Systems
Unit 2 – Global Information – Exam Unit
The purpose of this unit is to demonstrate the uses of information in the public domain, globally, in the cloud and across the internet, by individuals and organisations. This unit will include:
- Where information is held globally and how it is transmitted
- Styles, classification and the management of global information
- Use of global information and the benefits to individuals and organisations
- Legal and regulatory framework governing the storage and use of global information
- Process flow of information
- Principles of information security
Unit 6 – Application Development – Coursework Unit
The world is increasingly reliant on applications that help individuals, businesses and organisations achieve specific activities or purposes. In this unit you will complete the following:
- How applications are designed
- Investigate potential solutions for application
- Generate designs for application solutions
- Present application solutions to meet client and user requirements
Unit 15 – Game Design & Prototyping – Coursework Unit
Gaming is a continuously developing market. You will then build a prototype in order to demonstrate an element of your game. This unit will include:
- Principles of game design and prototyping
- Develop game concepts
- Develop game prototypes
- Present and evaluate game concepts
Unit 21 – Web Design & Prototyping – Coursework Unit
Organisations are increasingly reliant on their websites to market goods or services and interact with clients and customers. This unit will also allow you to incorporate existing interactive elements, as well as prototyping your own website will include:
- fundamentals of web design
- plan the development of an interactive website for an identified client
- create prototype websites for an identified client
- present the interactive website concept to an identified client
Career Prospects
Studying this qualification will prepare students for employment in the IT sector and it will support those who want to progress into IT related apprenticeships. Students who successfully complete this qualification will gain a level 3 qualification that will prepare them for further studies or Further Education (FE) or to progress to Higher Education (HE) in IT.
Links for Specification