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St Thomas Aquinas

Year 6 Transition

Careers - Post 16 Pathways

Post 16 pathways – what can I do after Year 11?

Post 16 pathways are discussed with all students and impartial advice is provided to ensure that each student makes the most appropriate choice.

A-Levels: An academic qualification, similar in style to GCSEs, that prepares you for further study (Level 3)
Applied qualifications: Qualifications that prepare you for further study by combining academic learning with practical skills to give you a broad view of working in a sector (Level 3)
Apprenticeships: an official agreement between an employer and an apprentice which sets out the terms agreed between the 2 parties. (Level 2/3 (with possibility to progress through to level 7))
T-Levels: A technical study programme, equivalent to 3 A levels, with an industry placement that makes up 20% of the course. T levels are designed to give you the skills that employers need (Level 3)
Technical / Vocational qualifications: Qualifications which teach you how to do tasks specifically related to the industry and role you want to be in (Level 1+)
Traineeships: A work focused study programme that prepares you for an apprenticeship or work (Level not applicable)